Leadership Team Development Review 5 Questions you need answered before you start building your Leadership Team Development biz

If youre here its probably because you heard of Leadership Team Development when you went to an information session or from a friend or relative who offered you an opportunity to review the business as an option for you and you determined to do some research for what you can learn concerning the business.

This article will help you learn the answers to some general questions that people ask concerning Leadership Team Development. Leadership Team Development has been involved in creating 1000s of success stories from its support and training system.

1. Is Leadership Team Development a scheme, ponzi or pyramid scheme?

When I first started building my business in the network marketing industry I had no idea what a pyramid scheme was. These days I hardly ever get this question however occasionally someone asks this question so here you go.

To start with, the succinct answer is No, Leadership Team Development is not a scheme, ponzi or pyramid scheme of any kind.

Now I could leave you to do your research, but I want to explain this to you such that in case you ever get asked this reservation one day you’ll know how to handle it, therefore Ill use the time to explain what a pyramid scheme is and why Leadership Team Development isnt one. The founders of Leadership Team Development have been in business over thirty years ago and presently does millions in yearly sales.

Pyramid schemes, ponzis or schemes involve a large number of individuals being recruited into an organization and those recruited pay the person that sells them and they get no benefit for their money. Typically the only folks that profit from a pyramid scheme like this are the people that get in early. Pyramid schemes, ponzis or schemes are illegal in many countries around the world.

A second thing to bear in mind is Leadership Team Development is a recognized Amway training system. Amway works in business with several of the leading companies on the planet selling their goods and services. If Leadership Team Development were a pyramid scheme, ponzi or scheme can you imagine the legal counsel and board of Amway and its partners would have permitted a partnership with them?

2. Is Leadership Team Development a scam?

This question sometimes goes in conjunction with the question is Leadership Team Development a pyramid scheme, ponzi or scheme? There again, the answer is No. A pyramid scam intends to dupe a person to get something of value from them with no value exchanged. Leadership Team Development is a business that gives rewards fo results produced. While there have been many other scams, Leadership Team Development isn’t one.

Amways Rules of Conduct spell out rules that keep all Amway independent business owners safe and protects the brand that Amway has developed in its 5 decades of business. Amway also approves the education and training systems that partner with IBOs. Refer to question two above. Review the Federal Trade Commission websites, Better Business Bureau and many other sites and youll realize that Amway and Leadership Team Development have a very solid business model that has stood the years and they have mitigated every complaint that has been made against them.

3. Will I pay shipping and taxes on my orders?

Leadership Team Development charges sales tax on all orders shipped with a destination in North Carolina unless they have a classification as tax-exempt. Shipping charges are a small percentage of the order.

4. The IBO Business Plan used 150 points as the standard. Is this required?

No. 150 PV is not a necessity, but it’s a decent starting point. There are no minimums that must be placed every month, then again we also know from experience that team members that aren’t familiar with nor are regular purchasers of Amway products typically are less successful than others that buy products often.

5. Where do I find the facts concerning Leadership Team Development?

A lot of people post information online, many of those same individuals share opinions, or the opinions of their friends. Each person taking Leadership Team Development into consideration should get the whole story about the organization and when considering the opinions of other people its critical to think about the levels of success they reached within Leadership Team Development. If the person that posted their opinion doesn’t have individual experience or the results you want its best to chat with someone who does.

There are many credible websites you can read to find out more regarding Leadership Team Development. Check together with the person who invited you to get a up to date list of sites to review.